SDA doctrine

7th-day Adventists Church Explained | What is a 7th-day Adventist? | Who was Ellen G. White?

Is Seventh Day Adventism a Cult?

28 Fundamental Beliefs [Their Origin and Development]—Pastor Ted Wilson

Why I LEFT the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and You Should Too! | Part 1

Seventh-day Adventists Explained in 2 Minutes

Strange Beliefs of Seventh-Day Adventist - part 1 #seventhdayadventist #sda #markofthebeast

IF EGW Was A False Prophet #adventist #seventhdayadventist #sda #sabbath #ellengouldwhite #sdachurch

Shocking Statements From SDA Prophet Ellen G. White | Sam Shamoun Discussion

Is Ellen G. White an Evangelical?

The Most 'TROUBLESOME' Seventh-day Adventist Doctrine (Allen Parr Response)

SDA’s & The Great Controversy Fact or Fiction... Is it Just a Lie? | Unapologetically Unorthodox E4

Questions on Doctrine - One of SDA Church's Darkest Hour. #sda #preaching #adventism

Former Seventh-day Adventist Pastor Exposes the Lies & Intentional Deceits of Ellen White & the SDA

Are Seventh Day Adventist Really a Cult? With Doug Batchelor

Why are Adventist churches losing so many members? #sda #adventist

Adventists False Doctrine On Hell #adventistchurch #adventists #sda #seventhdayadventist

Is Keeping The Sabbath A 'Demonic Doctrine'? | Doug Batchelor

SDA Apologist vs. SDA Apologist #dougbatchelor #amazingfacts #sda #christianity

SDAS REACT TO: @shamounian Sam Shamoun's Refutation to The SDA Doctrine of the State of The Dead

Dale Ratzlaff: Three Adventist Doctrines that Compromise the Gospel

The Doctrine of the Seventh-day Adventists

Does The SDA Church Suppress Female Pastors?

There's Something I NEED TO TELL YOU About the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Full Disclosure)

SATAN Causes Us To Sin? Where’s That In the Bible?! #sda